The Provenmille Girl’s 2022 Summer Bucket List
This little virtual bubble of mine had been too quiet in the past months. I’ll explain why in my next post. For now, to kick off my well-intended blog reactivation, I am happy to share this year’s summer bucket list!
I love my summer holidays. As a teacher, I relish the summer months after ten months of teaching and learning. The summer months really do help me recharge and rest and, because I love planning and making lists, I always make it a point to really plan my summer months. I recently discovered a new podcast called “Best Laid Plans with Sarah Hart-Unger”. It’s all about planning and planning tools. There was an episode on planning your summer - everything from summer reading and media, summer wardrobe, summer travel, festivals and traditions, and summer projects! Teaching is no easy job and so if it sounds like I’m nerding out on summer and planning for it, it’s really only due to the fact that I like to intentionally spend my summer days doing things I love.
This year’s summer bucket list is based off the planning sesh I recently did after listening to the podcast. I don’t pressure myself into ticking off every item on the list, though. The list exists as a well of ideas on how I can happily spend my summer days. If there are times when I just want to laze around my apartment, I give myself grace to do just that.
From upping your beauty game or fitness routine to making actual connections face-to-face (seriously, how long has it really been since?) to sprucing up your space to give you comfort from the thick of heat, I hope the long days and bright sunshine afford you many opportunities to make space for grace. Have a wonderful summer, lovelies!
You can also download the list here!