From Self-Taught to Sewing School Graduate
As someone committed to continuous learning, my journey into sewing and patternmaking has been an enriching experience over the past year. I have been a self-taught sewist for many years now and have been able to make decent sewn items but I have always been daunted by more advanced sewing projects such as jackets and dresses with more details.
I have always wanted a proper sewing education and so, when I found myself in a creative rut (read all about it here), and when schools began offering online classes in the midst of the pandemic, I eagerly seized the opportunity to start learning. Seeking a comprehensive program that covered both patternmaking and sewing, I was determined to gain a thorough understanding of the craft and the ability to bring any pattern to life.
The program I enrolled in consisted of four modules, each building upon the previous one. The initial module focused on the fundamentals, teaching me how to create bodice, skirt, and sleeve slopers, and utilize them to construct a basic toile. In the following modules, I delved into the art of crafting skirts, dresses, tops, trousers, and finally, jackets and evening wear.
A jacket in progress…
All those details!
Undoubtedly, the last module became the highlight of my learning journey. It was during this phase that I truly grasped the meticulous effort and craftsmanship required to create jackets. I will forever appreciate the value of retail prices for these intricate garments. Moreover, I had the opportunity to delve into draping by crafting a beautifully draped fichu collar and delve into the realm of basic corsetry using boning. However, the pinnacle of my experience came with the creation of a top featuring terno sleeves—a distinct element of the traditional Filipina dress, characterized by flattened, pleated sleeves resembling butterfly wings. Although challenging, the process was immensely enjoyable and fulfilling. Not every project I undertook turned out flawlessly, but the program equipped me with invaluable sewing techniques that I can apply to a wide range of garment designs.
These terno sleeves were completely constructed and sewn by hand.
The final exam: a terno top
Not entirely perfect but I still can’t believe I made it!
Having recently completed the program, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride. Along the way, I realized the immense dedication required of working students, as I struggled to balance my studies with my full-time job. Determined to make the most of my classes, I attended them live, taking advantage of the opportunity to interact with my teachers (especially considering the strict attendance policy and lack of recorded sessions). I devoted countless late evenings and early mornings, sometimes starting as early as 3:30 am, to finish my projects. I ventured from one fabric store to another in search of specific fabric or material requirements. At some point in the third module, I experienced moments of doubt, questioning myself if doing all these was still fun for me. However, I am immensely grateful for persevering, as I now feel a profound sense of fulfillment.
Beautiful from the front…
…and from the back.
And to think it all started from this!
My first attempt at draping. Not too shabby, if I may say so myself. :)
My favorite project. :)
What lies ahead after this remarkable journey? My immediate priority is to have my sewing machine serviced for cleaning and maintenance, ensuring it remains in top condition. A small treat for myself is most likely in the near horizon - a meal at our favorite restaurant or a new fabric purchase, perhaps. Beyond that, I eagerly anticipate building a wardrobe brimming with me-made garments, immersing myself in the boundless creativity that sewing offers.